Thursday, April 5, 2007

Good Friday & Good Parents

Tomorrow is Good Friday and we Riggers are not prone to fasting. But this year I strongly feel the need to fast. This could have, I fear, something to do with my upbringing?

During our childhood we were constantly reminded that we needed to fast but my parents didn't force it upon us. Mum's contribution to imposing Good Friday on us was that she never cooked meat. Good Friday meals were a simple fare - Generally Pulse Broth (learned that from my kid) commonly known as Dal, with white rice and a vegetable.

Later on as we grew into young adults, we had to choose whether we wanted to fast or not. If memory serves me right, I mostly chose not to. But this year I feel the need to, and this need I know stems from the good upbringing that my parents imparted on me.

Thank You Folks!! you've done a great job on me and I suppose Dhiraj too.

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