I have worked in the oilfield for 18 years. During the early years I was subjected to a lot of manual labour and was able to maintain some semblance of shape. When I was promoted to Night Tool Pusher, all I had to do was supervise - and that's not good for a guy (me ) who's constitution requires that I do some manual work just to keep from putting on weight.
It was then that I met Yves Slagmulder who suggested that we start running together. Now Yves was fairly portly when I first met him but he was very committed to losing weight. So he chalked out a plan to go running every evening and dragged along Mihaly Kalapos (who used to be a long distance runner - if what he says is true) and Me, who couldn't run 50 mtrs without panting like a dog on heat. Well to cut a long story short I relented, and today I can jog more than 3 kms at a go and have acquired a more streamlined facade. This streamlined facade I will develop, and one day when I step out of the surf (at the beach in Goa) people will ohh! and ahh! thinking that I am the next James Bond. A big shout out to Yves Slagmulder who helped make this possible !!!!!