Friday, March 23, 2007

Cricket and Idiots

Tonight is the night that (almost) all Indians will be glued to to their television sets to watch the World Cup match between Sri Lanka & India. I say 'almost' because I know with absolute certainty that my wife will be one of the few Indians who will be fast asleep. I too will be sleeping (can't be bothered to lose sleep over cricket). But I will wake up tomorrow morning and switch on the news to find out whether India has gone thru to the super eights OR whether there have been acts of vandalism directed towards the homes of the players.

...........An ugly business this cricket! It's not a simple 'win or lose' situation anymore, it has now evolved into a 'do or die' culture. Take Pakistan for instance - they didn't 'do' and so their coach was killed. When the Indians lost the match against Bangladesh, some of the players' families were terrorized. I pity the poor sods who will have to perform today under this sort of pressure. I tell you I glad that I am not talented enough to be a cricketeer!!

1 comment:

Lynda D'Souza said...

That's 4 more that won't be glued to the match, 3 of whom are as I type watching 'How its made' (yep he's got them hooked on it too) while I blog away! A big shout out to all those out there that have a life!!!!